Rocket Yoga

What Is Rocket Yoga?

Rocket Yoga is a modification of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga and was put together by a person called Larry Schultz, who studied Ashtanga Yoga under the expert K. Pattabhi Jois for nine years in Mysore. Arm balances and inversions form the core of Rocket Yoga. Even handstands, headstands, and forearm stands are integral parts of the sequences which I will talk you through and support you doing !But if practicing these becomes difficult there will be plenty of modifications available  🙌🏽

Rocket Yoga is fast-paced and has a dynamic flow. Its structure is similar to that of Ashtanga Yoga, consisting of Surya Namaskar, standing poses, seated poses, twists, and bends. In Rocket Yoga, students can modify and make their interpretation of the traditional asana. If they get stuck modifications are encouraged unlike ashtanga! Therefore, Rocket Yoga becomes widely accessible, enabling even those with physical problems to try it. It is a smooth process of breath and movement. It may look like a purely physical process, but it helps clear your mind as well. What makes Rocket Yoga stand apart is that it breaks the concept of hierarchy. You can pick and choose the asanas and practice them without necessarily following a linear format. No wonder celebs like Madonna enjoy this style of yoga !